The second and third nights, we stayed in a b&b that had to be entered through a low glass door. It looked like a secret door for elves or fairies.
The accommodations were luxurious, including a private patio that came with cats.
The place was 2 rings out from the center, close to Albert Cuyp Market. The air was full of market smells, and not a single stoned American idiot could be found.
The next day, we were determined to ride bikes like the locals. The place came with 2 bikes, but they were apparently built for tall, godlike creatures (the Dutch) but not us. Undeterred by my feet not reaching the pedals, I fell twice before renting bikes that fit us. Once on wheels, the feeling of coasting along with the rest of the Dutch was amazing.
I feel like I'm there. You have successfully transported my polka dream of a little girl accross the ocean. Miss you guys.